San Francisco City Hall Wedding Photographer Romance

Romantic Kiss at San Francisco City Hall

Unfortunately, this particular photo is no longer allowed at San Francisco city hall, but we include it here because we can still do something similar with the window in the background. The main idea behind this photo has always been more about the window than actually standing in it. We love to show off the ornate designs that make these 3rd floor windows unique. This great bride and groom was one of our first San Francisco city hall weddings and dates back many years. They were a fun couple and we had a wonderful time with them. The lighting on this particular day was nearly perfect which allowed the newlyweds to stand out from the background. Sometimes these window photos can be challenging to capture because of excessive back light. The way we get around that is to use our powerful off-camera lighting which blows right through the back light and helps feature the couple.

Falling in Love with Wedding Photography at SF City Hall

As mentioned, this was one of our first San Francisco city hall weddings covered as photographers. I really feel like this particular photo shoot convinced us to really focus on San Francisco city hall wedding photography. It was early on in our experience at this historic building and at this point we were just trying our best to understand the tricky lighting. We put up a website that only focused on San Francisco city hall and the rest is history. Its been 12 years now and 700 weddings!